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Logic via Computer Programming.

Authors :
Wieschenberg, Agnes A.
Publication Year :


This paper proposed the question "How do we teach logical thinking and sophisticated mathematics to unsophisticated college students?" One answer among many is through the writing of computer programs. The writing of computer algorithms is mathematical problem solving and logic in disguise and it may attract students who would otherwise stop taking mathematics courses after their required sequence is finished. In college classrooms in the United States, there is often an over-involvement with the calculation aspect of mathematics, especially in today's technical environment. The emphasis should fall on the teachers' developing of logic in students. Just like mathematical algorithms, computer algorithms however simple, employ logical steps which will result in the desired conclusion. Mathematics teachers should take advantage of the inumerable opportunities, even in a beginner's computer programming course, to play with algorithms that may aid students in the development of logical ways to approach mathematical problems. (MA)


Language :
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Notes :
Paper presented at the Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (12th, San Francisco, CA, November 4-7, 1999).
Publication Type :
Editorial & Opinion
Accession number :
Document Type :
Opinion Papers<br />Speeches/Meeting Papers