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Distance Open Learning in the Developing Asian Countries: Problems and Possible Solutions. ZIFF Papiere 117.

Authors :
Fern Univ., Hagen (Germany). Inst. for Research into Distance Education.
Ramanujam, P. R.
Publication Year :


Problems facing distance open learning in the developing Asian countries were examined, and possible solutions were proposed. The prominent features of distance and open learning in 10 developed nations were identified. Existing distance education (DE) systems in developing nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America were reviewed and found to share the following features: inadequate finances; poor communication and infrastructural facilities; the absence of clear governmental policies; limited use of audiovisual media; a shortage of experts to develop multimedia courses; a lack of financial and academic autonomy for distance teaching institutions; and distance education's low social and academic status because of quality issues. The review indicated that blindly copying Western models of DE is more dangerous than evolving indigenous models for developing countries. The future of DE in developing countries was shown to depend primarily on the ability of DE institutions to respond to the specific needs of learners at different levels. The following actions were recommended for improving DE in developing Asian countries: (1) review existing institutional structures and governance; (2) evaluate existing methods of teaching and learning and existing support systems; and (3) recognize the potential of information communication technologies and evolve appropriate policies for distance open learning. (Contains 30 references.) (MN)


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Document Type :
Reports - Evaluative