The Database Monitoring System: Making It Work. Comprehensive Regional Centers for Minorities Proceedings of the Eastern (Baltimore, Maryland, October 2-3, 1993) and Western (El Paso, Texas, October 9-10, 1993) Regional Conferences.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.Directorate for Education and Human Resources. The Database Monitoring System: Making It Work. Comprehensive Regional Centers for Minorities Proceedings of the Eastern (Baltimore, Maryland, October 2-3, 1993) and Western (El Paso, Texas, October 9-10, 1993) Regional Conferences. Jan. 1993. EBSCOhost,
National Science Foundation, W. D. D. for E. and H. R. (1993). The Database Monitoring System: Making It Work. Comprehensive Regional Centers for Minorities Proceedings of the Eastern (Baltimore, Maryland, October 2-3, 1993) and Western (El Paso, Texas, October 9-10, 1993) Regional Conferences.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC. Directorate for Education and Human Resources. 1993. “The Database Monitoring System: Making It Work. Comprehensive Regional Centers for Minorities Proceedings of the Eastern (Baltimore, Maryland, October 2-3, 1993) and Western (El Paso, Texas, October 9-10, 1993) Regional Conferences,” January.