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From Higher Education To Employment. Volume I: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Germany = De l'enseignement superieur a l'emploi. Volume I: Allemagne, Australie, Autriche, Belgique.

Authors :
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris (France).
Publication Year :


This volume presents reports on the flows of graduates from higher education and on their entry into working life in Germany, Austria, Belgium, and Australia. Each paper is written according to detailed guidelines designed to assemble information from many sources, to reflect the state of the art, and to illustrate a variety of approaches, methodologies and philosophies. The paper on Germany by Manfred Tessaring describes changes in the past two decades, the higher education system in Germany, employment and unemployment, the changing input and output of higher education, graduate transition to employment and concluding thoughts. An appendix contains 11 tables of statistics. The report on Australia by Bruce Williams primarily describes employment prospects for graduates there. The paper on Austria is in two parts. The first, "Developments in Higher Education and the Changing Transition to the Labour Market," was written by Lorenz Lassnigg, Susanne Loudon and Hannes Spreitzer. The second part by Klaus Schedler is titled "Employment and Labour Market Prospects of University Graduates in the Austrian Trade and Industry." The report on Belgium is in French and was written by Andre Bonte. Extensive tables and figures illustrate all the studies. (JB)


Language :
English, French
Database :
Publication Type :
Accession number :
Document Type :
Reports - General