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Mountains. Science Education Research Unit. Working Paper No. 202.

Authors :
Waikato Univ., Hamilton (New Zealand).
Happs, John C.
Publication Year :


The Learning in Science Project has adopted the view that science teaching might be improved if teachers can be given some appreciation of students' views of the world and the beliefs, expectations, and language that learners bring to new learning situations. This investigation compares and contrasts views that children and scientists have on landforms, particularly on two New Zealand mountains (Mounts Egmont and Cook). Individual interviews were conducted with 37 students during which they observed colored photographs of various, well-known New Zealand landforms and described what they saw. Questioning was then directed toward eliciting their ideas concerning processes behind the appearances of the two mountains. Sample responses are presented related to such questions as: What is a mountain? Is Mount Egmont a volcano? When did Mount Egmont appear? How do volcanoes develop? What is a range? How did Mount Cook develop? Responses indicate that children/adolescents hold views about the two mountains which are likely to be different from scientifically accepted ideas. For example, approximately 63 percent were not aware that Mount Egmont has the potential to erupt again. In addition, the majority of students had not attained an appreciation of plate tectonics, even at an elementary level of understanding. (JN)


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Document Type :
Reports - Evaluative<br />Reports - Research