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The Training of Modern Language Teachers in Various Countries. Collection d''Etudes linguistiques,' No. 20. Selected papers from the Association Internationale pour la Recherche et la Diffusion des Methodes Audio-Visuelles et Structuro-Globales Seminar (5th, August 27-September 1, 1973).

Authors :
Association Internationale pour la Recherche et la Diffusion des Methodes Audio-visuelles et Structuro-globales, Ghent (Belgium).
Nivette, Jos
Publication Year :


Selected papers that address theoretical and practical training of the modern language teacher and language teaching experiments in various countries are presented. Some of the articles included are the following: "Les problemes de la formation linguistique et pedagogique des professeurs de francais en Afrique Subsaharienne" (The Problems of the Linguistic and Pedagogic Training of Teachers of French in Sub-Saharan Africa), R. Bastin; "L'enseignant doit-il etre l'objet d'une formation culturelle particuliere?" (Should the Teacher Undergo a Particular Cultural Training?), C. Borga; "Le micro-enseignement dans la formation des enseignants de francais-langue etrangere au Senegal" (Micro-Teaching in the Training of Teachers of French as a Foreign Language in Senegal), G. Dalgalian;"Sulla formazione linguistica degli insegnanti di lingua italiana presso le universita della Repubblica Federale Tedesca" (On the Linguistic Training of Teachers of the Italian Language at the Universities of West Germany), M. De Matteis; "The University and the Training of Language Teachers," L. K. Engels; "Re-training High School Teachers of English in Brazil: The Experience of the Instituto do Idiomas Yazigi," F. Gomes de Matos; "La formation des professeurs de francais a l'universite Bar-Ilan, Ramat Gan, Israel" (The Training of the Professors of French at the University of Bar-Ilan, Ramat Gan, Israel), R. Herzlich; "Linguistics and the Language Teacher," B. Jordan; "La formation et le recyclage des professeurs de langues vivantes au Quebec 1973-1978" (Training and Retraining of Modern Language Teachers in Quebec 1973-1978), J.-Cl. Lavigne; "La formation psycho-pedagogique et methodologique des professeurs de langues vivantes" (Psycho-Pedagogical and Methodological Training of Teachers of Modern Languages), R. Marechal. (SW)


Language :
French, English, Italian, German
Database :
Publication Type :
Accession number :
Document Type :
Reports - Research<br />Collected Works - Proceedings