Suing the Schools for Fraud: Issues and Legal Strategies. Transcript of a Conference: Fraud in the Schools.
Syracuse Univ. Research Corp., NY.Educational Policy Research Center., et al. Suing the Schools for Fraud: Issues and Legal Strategies. Transcript of a Conference: Fraud in the Schools. Mar. 1973. EBSCOhost,
Syracuse Univ. Research Corp., N. E. P. R. C., Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, W. D., & George Washington Univ., W. D. I. for E. L. (1973). Suing the Schools for Fraud: Issues and Legal Strategies. Transcript of a Conference: Fraud in the Schools.
Syracuse Univ. Research Corp., NY. Educational Policy Research Center., Washington, DC. Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, and Washington, DC. Inst. for Educational Leadership. George Washington Univ. 1973. “Suing the Schools for Fraud: Issues and Legal Strategies. Transcript of a Conference: Fraud in the Schools,” March.