Psoas hitch procedure in 166 adult patients: The largest cohort study before the laparoscopic era
Cancer, et al. Psoas Hitch Procedure in 166 Adult Patients: The Largest Cohort Study before the Laparoscopic Era. 2021. EBSCOhost,
Cancer, Trialbureau Beeld, Urologie Onderzoek, Other research (not in main researchprogram), Urologie Medisch Kinderen, MS Urologische Oncologie, Groen, V. H., Lock, M. T. W. T., de Angst, I. B., Verhagen, P. C. M. S., Horenblas, S., Dik, P., & Bosch, J. L. H. R. (2021). Psoas hitch procedure in 166 adult patients: The largest cohort study before the laparoscopic era.
Cancer, Trialbureau Beeld, Urologie Onderzoek, Other research (not in main researchprogram), Urologie Medisch Kinderen, MS Urologische Oncologie, V H Groen, et al. 2021. “Psoas Hitch Procedure in 166 Adult Patients: The Largest Cohort Study before the Laparoscopic Era.”