Training general practitioners to improve evidence-based drug treatment of patients with heart failure: a cluster randomised controlled trial
HAG Hart- Vaatziekten, et al. Training General Practitioners to Improve Evidence-Based Drug Treatment of Patients with Heart Failure: A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial. 2020. EBSCOhost,
HAG Hart- Vaatziekten, Directie Raad van Bestuur, Circulatory Health, Planningssecretariaat HCK, Biostatistiek Onderzoek, Other research (not in main researchprogram), HAG Infectieziekten, JC onderzoeksprogramma Cardiovascular Health, Valk, M. J. M., Hoes, A. W., Mosterd, A., Landman, M. A., Zuithoff, N. P. A., Broekhuizen, B. D. L., & Rutten, F. H. (2020). Training general practitioners to improve evidence-based drug treatment of patients with heart failure: a cluster randomised controlled trial.
HAG Hart- Vaatziekten, Directie Raad van Bestuur, Circulatory Health, Planningssecretariaat HCK, Biostatistiek Onderzoek, Other research (not in main researchprogram), HAG Infectieziekten, et al. 2020. “Training General Practitioners to Improve Evidence-Based Drug Treatment of Patients with Heart Failure: A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial.”