Online adaptive MR-guided radiotherapy for rectal cancer; feasibility of the workflow on a 1.5T MR-linac; clinical implementation and initial experience
MS Radiotherapie, et al. Online Adaptive MR-Guided Radiotherapy for Rectal Cancer; Feasibility of the Workflow on a 1.5T MR-Linac; Clinical Implementation and Initial Experience. 2021. EBSCOhost,
MS Radiotherapie, Cancer, Trialbureau Beeld, Fysica Radiotherapie Research, Klinische Fysica RT, Intven, M. P. W., de Mol van Otterloo, S. R., Mook, S., Doornaert, P. A. H., de Groot-van Breugel, E. N., Sikkes, G. G., Willemsen-Bosman, M. E., van Zijp, H. M., & Tijssen, R. H. N. (2021). Online adaptive MR-guided radiotherapy for rectal cancer; feasibility of the workflow on a 1.5T MR-linac; clinical implementation and initial experience.
MS Radiotherapie, Cancer, Trialbureau Beeld, Fysica Radiotherapie Research, Klinische Fysica RT, M P W Intven, S R de Mol van Otterloo, et al. 2021. “Online Adaptive MR-Guided Radiotherapy for Rectal Cancer; Feasibility of the Workflow on a 1.5T MR-Linac; Clinical Implementation and Initial Experience.”