Interannual land cover and vegetation variability based on remote sensing data in the HTESSEL land surface model: implementation and effects on simulated water dynamics
van Oorschot, F.(author), et al. Interannual Land Cover and Vegetation Variability Based on Remote Sensing Data in the HTESSEL Land Surface Model: Implementation and Effects on Simulated Water Dynamics. 2023. EBSCOhost,
van Oorschot, F. (author), van der Ent, R. J. (author), Hrachowitz, M. (author), Di Carlo, E. (author), Catalano, F. (author), Boussetta, S. (author), Balsamo, G. (author), & Alessandri, A. (author). (2023). Interannual land cover and vegetation variability based on remote sensing data in the HTESSEL land surface model: implementation and effects on simulated water dynamics.
van Oorschot, F. (author), R.J. (author) van der Ent, M. (author) Hrachowitz, Emanuele (author) Di Carlo, Franco (author) Catalano, Souhail (author) Boussetta, Gianpaolo (author) Balsamo, and Andrea (author) Alessandri. 2023. “Interannual Land Cover and Vegetation Variability Based on Remote Sensing Data in the HTESSEL Land Surface Model: Implementation and Effects on Simulated Water Dynamics.”