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Listerioza - zonotski aspekt

Authors :
Kureljušić, Jasna
Rokvić, Nikola
Vasić, Ana
Pavlović, Marija
Terzin, Lidija
Ljubojević Pelić, Dragana
Vidaković Knežević, Suzana
Kureljušić, Jasna
Rokvić, Nikola
Vasić, Ana
Pavlović, Marija
Terzin, Lidija
Ljubojević Pelić, Dragana
Vidaković Knežević, Suzana
Source :
Congres program and e-abstract book "Emerging infectious diseases: Are we ready for new evoultionary challenges?"
Publication Year :


Listeria monocytogenes je fakultativni, intracelularni, gram-pozitivni štapić koji je odgovoran za pojavu listerioze. Oboljenje obično nastaje konzumiranjem hrane koja je kontaminirana listerijom, posebno mlečnih proizvoda, lisnatog povrća, ribe i mesa. Listeria se može naći u domaćinstvu, restoranima i drugim mestima kao što su prodavnice ili fabrike za preradu hrane. Patogen je sveprisutan, jer se može naći u zemljištu, vodi i vegetaciji kao i u digestivnom traktu ljudi. Namirnice koje imaju najveću stopu infekcija povezanih sa L. monocytogenes uključuju: sirove klice, nepasterizovano mleko, meki sirevi, hladno meso, hladne viršle i dimljeni morski plodovi. L. monocytogenes raste na temperaturama frižidera, tačnije, niske temperature indukuju enzime kao što je RNK helikaza koja poboljšava aktivnost i replikaciju L. monocytogenes na niskim temperaturama dok sposobnost proizvodnje biofilma povećava sposobnost L. monocytogenes da preživi u teškim uslovima. Ona takođe koristi flagele na nižim temperaturama koje joj omogućavaju da se pokreće i uhvati za enterocite u ranoj fazi infekcije koje se gube kada je bakterija duže izložena višim temperaturama. Ljudi koji su u najvećem riziku da budu pogođeni listeriozom su trudnice, mala deca, odrasli stariji od 60 godina i osobe sa oslabljenim imunološkim sistemom. Praćenje smernica za bezbednost hrane može smanjiti šansu za dobijanje i širenje listerioze. Nadzor listerioze kod ljudi u EU se fokusira na invazivne oblike L. monocytoges infekcija, koja se uglavnom manifestuje kao septikemija, simptomi slični gripu, meningitis ili spontani pobačaj. Dijagnoza listerijskih infekcija kod ljudi se generalno sprovodi kultivacijom uzoraka krvi, cerebrospinalne tečnosti i vaginalnih briseva ili detekcijom nukleinske kiseline. Prema Centru za kontrolu bolesti (CDC), otprilike 1.600 ljudi oboli od listerioze svake godine, a oko 260 ljudi umre od te bolesti. Bolest je najčešća kod trudnica, odojčadi, imunokompromitovanih i stariji<br />Listeria monocytogenes is a facultative, intracellular, gram-positive rod which is responsible for the occurrence of listeriosis. Illness is usually caused by eating food contaminated with listeria, especially dairy products, leafy greens, fish and meat. Listeria can be found in households, restaurants, and other places such as grocery stores or food processing plants. The pathogen is ubiquitous, as it can be found in soil, water and vegetation as well as in the digestive tract of humans. Foods that have the highest rates of L. monocytogenes related infections include: raw sprouts, unpasteurized milk, soft cheeses, cold meats, cold hot dogs, and smoked seafood. L. monocytogenes grows at refrigerator temperatures, specifically, low temperatures induce enzymes such as RNA helicase that enhances the activity and replication of L. monocytogenes at low temperatures while the ability to produce biofilms increases the ability of L. monocytogenes to survive in harsh conditions. It also uses flagella at lower temperatures that allow it to move and latch on to enterocytes early in the infection, which are lost when the bacterium is exposed to higher temperatures for longer. The people most at risk of contracting listeriosis are pregnant women, young children, adults over 60, and people with weakened immune systems. Following food safety guidelines can reduce the chance of getting and spreading listeriosis. Surveillance of human listeriosis in the EU focuses on invasive forms of L. monocytoges infections, which mainly manifest as septicaemia, flu-like symptoms, meningitis or abortion. Diagnosis of listeria infections in humans is generally performed by culture of blood samples, cerebrospinal fluid, and vaginal swabs or by nucleic acid detection. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), approximately 1,600 people contract listeriosis each year, and about 260 people die from the disease. The disease is most common in pregnant women, infants, the immunocompromised and


Database :
Journal :
Congres program and e-abstract book "Emerging infectious diseases: Are we ready for new evoultionary challenges?"
Notes :
Congres program and e-abstract book "Emerging infectious diseases: Are we ready for new evoultionary challenges?", Serbian, English
Publication Type :
Electronic Resource
Accession number :
Document Type :
Electronic Resource