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Sustainability: still an undefined concept for Italians

Publication Year :


During recent years, the concept of sustainability has been spread like one of the most cited and interesting trend topics giving a lot of definitions and good practices to perceive it. One of the aspects less frequently faced is the perception of sustainability for the population and the companies. In this paper, this issue has been analysed using results from a survey in which a sample of 1,000 respondents answered to the perception of sustainability for Italian companies. Since items in the questionnaire also asked for the behaviour of the respondent regards to the company declaring to be sustainable in terms of preferences and availability to spend, it is possible to identify different behaviours from the respondents. From a methodological point of view, these behaviours have been achieved creating some decision trees where each node represents a different group of respondents.


Database :
Notes :
Chelli, FM, Ciommi, M, Ingrassia, S, Mariani, F, Recchioni, MC, Angelone, R, Marletta, A, Angelone, R, Marletta, A
Publication Type :
Electronic Resource
Accession number :
Document Type :
Electronic Resource