Compound heterozygous NEK1 variants in two siblings with oral-facial-digital syndrome type II (Mohr syndrome)
Genetica Groep Van Haaften, et al. Compound Heterozygous NEK1 Variants in Two Siblings with Oral-Facial-Digital Syndrome Type II (Mohr Syndrome). 2016. EBSCOhost,
Genetica Groep Van Haaften, Circulatory Health, Genetica Klinische Genetica, Child Health, Genetica Sectie Genoomdiagnostiek, Cancer, MS Hoofd-Hals Chirurgische Oncologie, CMM Groep Lens, Poli BT 9A-MFP, MS Mondziekten/Kaakchirurgie, Other research (not in main researchprogram), Zorgeenheid Plastische Chirurgie Medisch, MS Oogheelkunde, Nefro Vasculaire Geneeskunde, Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells, Genetica, CMM Sectie Genomics and Bioinformatics, Monroe, G. R., Kappen, I. F., … van Haaften, G. (2016). Compound heterozygous NEK1 variants in two siblings with oral-facial-digital syndrome type II (Mohr syndrome).
Genetica Groep Van Haaften, Circulatory Health, Genetica Klinische Genetica, Child Health, Genetica Sectie Genoomdiagnostiek, Cancer, MS Hoofd-Hals Chirurgische Oncologie, et al. 2016. “Compound Heterozygous NEK1 Variants in Two Siblings with Oral-Facial-Digital Syndrome Type II (Mohr Syndrome).”