Isovector effective NN interaction in 28Si(p,n)28P(6-) at 198 MeV
Department of Physics, Kyushu University, et al. Isovector Effective NN Interaction in 28Si(p,n)28P(6-) at 198 MeV. 2017. EBSCOhost,
Department of Physics, K. U., Research Center for Nuclear Physics, O. U., Department of Physics, T. U. of T., Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, H. U., Department of Physics, K. I. of T., Wakasa, T., Hagihara, Y., Noro, T., Ishida, T., Asaji, S., Nagasue, Y., Hatanaka, K., Sakemi, Y., Tamii, A., Shimizu, Y., Fujita, K., Tameshige, Y., Sakai, H., Kuboki, H., … Yamaguchi, M. (2017). Isovector effective NN interaction in 28Si(p,n)28P(6-) at 198 MeV.
Department of Physics, Kyushu University, Osaka University Research Center for Nuclear Physics, The University of Tokyo Department of Physics, Hosei University Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Kyushu Institute of Technology Department of Physics, T. Wakasa, Y. Hagihara, et al. 2017. “Isovector Effective NN Interaction in 28Si(p,n)28P(6-) at 198 MeV.”