Heavy metals and metalloid levels in the tissues of yellow-legged gulls (Larus michahellis) from Spain: sex, age, and geographical location differences
Hernández Moreno, David [0000-0002-1189-9299], et al. Heavy Metals and Metalloid Levels in the Tissues of Yellow-Legged Gulls (Larus Michahellis) from Spain: Sex, Age, and Geographical Location Differences. 2022. EBSCOhost,
Hernández Moreno, D. [0000-0002-1189-9299], Vizuete, J., Hernández Moreno, D., López-Beceiro, A., Fidalgo, L. E., Soler, F., Pérez-López, M., & Míguez-Santiyán, M. P. (2022). Heavy metals and metalloid levels in the tissues of yellow-legged gulls (Larus michahellis) from Spain: sex, age, and geographical location differences.
Hernández Moreno, David [0000-0002-1189-9299], Jorge Vizuete, David Hernández Moreno, Ana López-Beceiro, Luis Eusebio Fidalgo, Francisco Soler, Marcos Pérez-López, and María Prado Míguez-Santiyán. 2022. “Heavy Metals and Metalloid Levels in the Tissues of Yellow-Legged Gulls (Larus Michahellis) from Spain: Sex, Age, and Geographical Location Differences.”