Safety of assisted reproductive techniques in young women harboring germline pathogenic variants in BRCA1/2 with a pregnancy after prior history of breast cancer.
Ucl - Sss, IREC/MIRO-Pôle d’imagerie moléculaire, radiothérapie et oncologie, et al. “Safety of Assisted Reproductive Techniques in Young Women Harboring Germline Pathogenic Variants in BRCA1/2 with a Pregnancy after Prior History of Breast Cancer.” ESMO Open, Vol. 6, No.6, p. 100300 (2021), 2021. EBSCOhost,
Ucl - Sss, I.-P. d’imagerie moléculaire, radiothérapie et oncologie, Condorelli, M., Bruzzone, M., Ceppi, M., Ferrari, A., Grinshpun, A., Hamy, A. S., de Azambuja, E., Carrasco, E., Peccatori, F. A., Di Meglio, A., Paluch-Shimon, S., Poorvu, P. D., Venturelli, M., Rousset-Jablonski, C., Senechal, C., Livraghi, L., Ponzone, R., De Marchis, L., … Lambertini, M. (2021). Safety of assisted reproductive techniques in young women harboring germline pathogenic variants in BRCA1/2 with a pregnancy after prior history of breast cancer. ESMO Open, Vol. 6, No.6, p. 100300 (2021).
Ucl - Sss, IREC/MIRO - Pôle d’imagerie moléculaire, radiothérapie et oncologie, M Condorelli, M Bruzzone, M Ceppi, A Ferrari, A Grinshpun, A S Hamy, et al. 2021. “Safety of Assisted Reproductive Techniques in Young Women Harboring Germline Pathogenic Variants in BRCA1/2 with a Pregnancy after Prior History of Breast Cancer.” ESMO Open, Vol. 6, No.6, p. 100300 (2021).