In vivo ANA is a fixation artifact: Nucleosome-complexed antinucleosome autoantibodies bind to the cell surface and are internalized
Kramers, K., et al. “In Vivo ANA Is a Fixation Artifact: Nucleosome-Complexed Antinucleosome Autoantibodies Bind to the Cell Surface and Are Internalized.” Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 1996. EBSCOhost,
Kramers, K., Bruggen, M. C. J. van, Rijke-Schilder, T. P. M., Dijkman, H. B. P. M., Hylkema, M. N., Croes, H. J. E., Fransen, J. A. M., Assmann, K. J. M., Tax, W. J. M., Smeenk, R. J. T., & Berden, J. H. M. (1996). In vivo ANA is a fixation artifact: Nucleosome-complexed antinucleosome autoantibodies bind to the cell surface and are internalized. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.
Kramers, K., M.C.J. van Bruggen, T.P.M. Rijke-Schilder, H.B.P.M. Dijkman, M.N. Hylkema, H.J.E. Croes, J.A.M. Fransen, et al. 1996. “In Vivo ANA Is a Fixation Artifact: Nucleosome-Complexed Antinucleosome Autoantibodies Bind to the Cell Surface and Are Internalized.” Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.