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Motivi jugoslavensko-bugarskog povezivanja potkraj 2. svjetskog rata i u poraću

Authors :
Ivašković, Igor
Ivašković, Igor
Source :
Društvena istraživanja : časopis za opća društvena pitanja; ISSN 1330-0288 (Print); ISSN 1848-6096 (Online); Volume 31; Issue 3
Publication Year :


Cilj je članka predstaviti motive geopolitičkog uređenja Jugoistočne Europe s naglaskom na analizi odnosa između Jugoslavije i Bugarske potkraj Drugoga svjetskog rata. U tom su kontekstu najprije identificirani međuratni interesi četiriju uključenih strana: jugoslavensko i bugarsko komunističko vodstvo te politički predstavnici Sovjetskog Saveza i Ujedinjenoga Kraljevstva. U drugom dijelu autor opisuje razvoj ideje jugoslavensko-bugarskoga povezivanja nakon rata, najprije u razdoblju zbližavanja jugoslavenske i bugarske Komunističke partije, a zatim i u vrijeme raskola u Informbirou te dramatičnoga zaokreta u njihovim odnosima. Autor osim raznih makrogeopolitičkih vizija uočava i značajne razlike u motivima na mikrogeopolitičkoj razini. Suprotno od proklamirane ideje "južnoslavenskoga bratstva", Komunistička partija Jugoslavije ideju povezivanja s Bugarskom percipirala je prije svega kao sredstvo za manevriranje u odnosima s Britanijom i Sovjetskim Savezom, dok je Bugarska komunistička partija koncept (kon)federativnoga saveza s Jugoslavijom rabila višeslojno. U prvom je redu ta ideja predstavljala dio strategije rješavanja makedonskoga pitanja, no savez s Jugoslavijom bio je i sredstvo zaštite bugarskih teritorija u odnosima s Grčkom, pa onda i sredstvo jačanja unutarnjega položaja bugarskih komunista u procesu učvršćivanja poslijeratne vlasti.<br />This article aims to present the motives of the geopolitical restructuring of South-East Europe at the end of World War II with an emphasis on relations between Yugoslavia and Bulgaria. In this context, the author first identifies the interwar interests of four involved parties, namely: the Yugoslav and Bulgarian communist leaderships, and the political representatives of the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom. In the second part, the author describes the development of the idea of Yugoslav-Bulgarian integration after the War, first during the period of rapprochement between two communist parties, and then in the period of the Cominform crisis and the dramatic turnaround in their relations. Besides different macro- -geopolitical visions, the author also identifies significant differences in motives at the micro-geopolitical level. Contrary to the proclaimed idea of the 'South Slavic Brotherhood', the Communist Party of Yugoslavia perceived the idea foremost as a maneuvering tool in its relations with the UK and the Soviets, while the Bulgarian Communist Party used the (con)federal idea for pursuing multi-layered interests. It was primarily a part of the strategy for resolving the Macedonian question, but the alliance with Yugoslavia was also a tool for protecting Bulgarian territories in the relations with Greece, and consequently leverage for strengthening the internal position of Bulgarian communists in the post-war consolidation process.


Database :
Journal :
Društvena istraživanja : časopis za opća društvena pitanja; ISSN 1330-0288 (Print); ISSN 1848-6096 (Online); Volume 31; Issue 3
Notes :
application/pdf, Croatian
Publication Type :
Electronic Resource
Accession number :
Document Type :
Electronic Resource