A discourse, delivered at Reading February 22, 1800; the day recommended by Congress to the observance of the people of the United States, by their assembling, in such manner as might be convenient, and publicly testifying their grief for the death, and their respect for the memory of General George Washington. / By Eliab Stone, A.M. Minister of the Second Church in Reading.
Stone, Eliab, 1737-1822., and Eliab, 1737-1822. Stone. A Discourse, Delivered at Reading February 22, 1800; the Day Recommended by Congress to the Observance of the People of the United States, by Their Assembling, in Such Manner as Might Be Convenient, and Publicly Testifying Their Grief for the Death, and Their Respect for the Memory of General George Washington. / By Eliab Stone, A.M. Minister of the Second Church in Reading. EBSCOhost, Accessed 12 Mar. 2025.
Stone, E. 1737-1822., & Stone, E. 1737-1822. (n.d.). A discourse, delivered at Reading February 22, 1800; the day recommended by Congress to the observance of the people of the United States, by their assembling, in such manner as might be convenient, and publicly testifying their grief for the death, and their respect for the memory of General George Washington. / By Eliab Stone, A.M. Minister of the Second Church in Reading.
Stone, Eliab, 1737-1822., and Eliab, 1737-1822. Stone. 2025. “A Discourse, Delivered at Reading February 22, 1800; the Day Recommended by Congress to the Observance of the People of the United States, by Their Assembling, in Such Manner as Might Be Convenient, and Publicly Testifying Their Grief for the Death, and Their Respect for the Memory of General George Washington. / By Eliab Stone, A.M. Minister of the Second Church in Reading.” Accessed March 12.