The debates and proceedings of the Constitutional convention of the state of Michigan,: convened at the City of Lansing, Wednesday, May 15, 1867./ Official report by Wm. Blair Lord and David Wolfe Brown.
Michigan. Constitutional Convention, et al. “The Debates and Proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Michigan,: Convened at the City of Lansing, Wednesday, May 15, 1867./ Official Report by Wm. Blair Lord and David Wolfe Brown.” Making of America (MOA), 1867. EBSCOhost,
Michigan. Constitutional Convention, Michigan. Constitutional Convention, Lord, W. B. (William B., & Brown, D. W. (David W. (1867). The debates and proceedings of the Constitutional convention of the state of Michigan,: convened at the City of Lansing, Wednesday, May 15, 1867./ Official report by Wm. Blair Lord and David Wolfe Brown. Making of America (MOA).
Michigan. Constitutional Convention, Michigan. Constitutional Convention, Wm. Blair (William Blair) Lord, and D. Wolfe (David Wolfe) Brown. 1867. “The Debates and Proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Michigan,: Convened at the City of Lansing, Wednesday, May 15, 1867./ Official Report by Wm. Blair Lord and David Wolfe Brown.” Making of America (MOA).