Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies First Locus Associated with Susceptibility to Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
Ken-Dror, G., et al. Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies First Locus Associated with Susceptibility to Cerebral Venous Thrombosis. 2021. EBSCOhost,
Ken-Dror, G., Cotlarciuc, I., Martinelli, I., Grandone, E., Hiltunen, S., Lindgren, E., Margaglione, M., Duchez, V., Triquenot, A., Zedde, M., Mancuso, M., Ruigrok, Y., Marjot, T., Worrall, B., Majersik, J., Metso, T., Putaala, J., Haapaniemi, E., Zuurbier, S., … Sharma, P. (2021). Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies First Locus Associated with Susceptibility to Cerebral Venous Thrombosis.
Ken-Dror, G, I Cotlarciuc, I Martinelli, E Grandone, S Hiltunen, E Lindgren, M Margaglione, et al. 2021. “Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies First Locus Associated with Susceptibility to Cerebral Venous Thrombosis.”