Auditing the research practices and statistical analyses of the group‐level temporal network approach to psychological constructs: A systematic scoping review
UCL - SSH/IPSY - Psychological Sciences Research Institute, et al. “Auditing the Research Practices and Statistical Analyses of the Group‐level Temporal Network Approach to Psychological Constructs: A Systematic Scoping Review.” Behavior Research Methods, Vol. in Press, No. in Press, p. 1 (2022), 2022. EBSCOhost,
UCL - SSH/IPSY - Psychological Sciences Research Institute, UCL - SSS/IONS/NEUR - Clinical Neuroscience, Blanchard, A., Contreras Cuevas, A., Kalkan, R. B., & Heeren, A. (2022). Auditing the research practices and statistical analyses of the group‐level temporal network approach to psychological constructs: A systematic scoping review. Behavior Research Methods, Vol. in Press, No. in Press, p. 1 (2022).
UCL - SSH/IPSY - Psychological Sciences Research Institute, UCL - SSS/IONS/NEUR - Clinical Neuroscience, Annelise Blanchard, Alba Contreras Cuevas, Rana Begum Kalkan, and Alexandre Heeren. 2022. “Auditing the Research Practices and Statistical Analyses of the Group‐level Temporal Network Approach to Psychological Constructs: A Systematic Scoping Review.” Behavior Research Methods, Vol. in Press, No. in Press, p. 1 (2022).