Usefulness of a Non-Streptavidin Bead Technology to Overcome Biotin Interference: Proof of Principle with 25-OH Vitamin D, TSH, and FT4.
Ucl - Sss, IREC/EDIN-Pôle d’endocrinologie, diabète et nutrition, et al. “Usefulness of a Non-Streptavidin Bead Technology to Overcome Biotin Interference: Proof of Principle with 25-OH Vitamin D, TSH, and FT4.” The Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine, Vol. 6, No.4, p. 1072-1077 (2021), 2021. EBSCOhost,
Ucl - Sss, I.-P. d’endocrinologie, diabète et nutrition, UCL - (SLuc) Service de biochimie médicale, UCL - (SLuc) Service d’endocrinologie et de nutrition, Favresse, J., Bayart, J.-L., Burlacu, M. C., Maiter, D., Dogné, J.-M., Douxfils, J., & Gruson, D. (2021). Usefulness of a Non-Streptavidin Bead Technology to Overcome Biotin Interference: Proof of Principle with 25-OH Vitamin D, TSH, and FT4. The Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine, Vol. 6, No.4, p. 1072-1077 (2021).
Ucl - Sss, IREC/EDIN - Pôle d’endocrinologie, diabète et nutrition, UCL - (SLuc) Service de biochimie médicale, UCL - (SLuc) Service d’endocrinologie et de nutrition, Julien Favresse, Jean-Louis Bayart, Maria Cristina Burlacu, Dominique Maiter, Jean-Michel Dogné, Jonathan Douxfils, and Damien Gruson. 2021. “Usefulness of a Non-Streptavidin Bead Technology to Overcome Biotin Interference: Proof of Principle with 25-OH Vitamin D, TSH, and FT4.” The Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine, Vol. 6, No.4, p. 1072-1077 (2021).