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La medicalització del desig sexual femení : una anàlisi nosològica del DSM-5

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Les "disfuncions sexuals femenines" (FSD) han experimentat nombroses redefinicions a conseqüència que disciplines científiques com la psicologia s'han encarregat de construir coneixement que delimita la sexualitat normal/sana de la patològica. Aquesta revisió bibliogràfica desgrana els criteris diagnòstics de les FSD relacionades amb el desig recollides al DSM-5. La principal conclusió és que aquests criteris reflecteixen els mandats de gènere i les expectatives socials de feminitat. Són un dispositiu de poder de normalització i regulació dels cossos que sovint serveixen com a base per a la medicalització de la falta de desig sexual i podrien respondre als interessos de la indústria farmacèutica.<br />Female sexual dysfunctions (FSD) have experienced numerous conceptual changes as a result of the delimitation of normal and pathological sexuality by scientific disciplines such as psychology. A review of qualitative academic literature on FSD has been conducted in order to shed light upon the gendered conceptualisation of sexuality underlying the criteria of these 'disorders', especially those contained in the DSM-5. The present analysis is embedded in the contextual framework of social constructionism and it is also inspired by the Women's Health Movement that took place between the 70s and the 80s in the USA, as it aims to take back women's bodies and (sexual) experiences from the medical institutions that frame and promote knowledge configured by sexism and androcentrism. The main conclusion of this revision is that the diagnostic criteria for FSDs reflect gender norms and social expectations of femininity on women. They are a regulatory mechanism that exerts power to establish and promote a 'sexual normality' upon women's bodies and sexual experiences, and serve as a basis to medicalise the lack of sexual desire in women according to the interests of pharmaceutical corporations.


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Notes :
Balltondre, Mónica, Ponce López, Paula, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Psicologia
Publication Type :
Electronic Resource
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Document Type :
Electronic Resource