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Sage Extract as a Natural Source of Corrosion Inhibitor for Tinplate in 3.0% NaCl

Authors :
Dent, Maja
Fuchs-Godec, Regina
Dent, Maja
Fuchs-Godec, Regina
Source :
Food Technology and Biotechnology; ISSN 1330-9862 (Print); ISSN 1334-2606 (Online); Volume 59; Issue 4
Publication Year :


Research background. Due to the growing interest and attention of the world towards environmental problems and protection of environment, the worldwide demand for biodegradable and effective corrosion inhibitors for tinplate has grown. Considering the diversity of the structures of polyphenols that are present in sage extract, it represents a promising potential source of low-cost and effective biodegradable green corrosion inhibitor for tinplate in 3.0% sodium chloride solution which is evaluated in this study. Experimental approach. Tafel polarisation and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) at 25 °C have been used to evaluate the inhibitory activity of sage (Salvia officinalis L.) extract as a green inhibitor for the protection of tinplate from corrosion in 3.0% sodium chloride solution. Results and conclusions. We used electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to show that sage extract could serve as an effective inhibitor (94.1%) of the corrosion of tinplate in 3.0% NaCl at a mass concentration of 0.2 mg/L and temperature of 25 °C. The results obtained from potentiodynamic polarisation reveal that the sage extract acts as a mixed type inhibitor, with inhibition efficiency up to 82.5%, and the inhibition efficiencies calculated from EIS are in close agreement with these results. Attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR–FTIR) results indicated that the inhibitory effect of the sage extract is due to the presence of a passivation layer on the tinplate surface, which consists of organic compounds such as polyphenols. These results confirm that the sage extract is more efficient in inhibiting the corrosion of tinplate at a concentration of 0.2 mg/L than at higher concentrations. Also, it shows good inhibition of tinplate in 3.0% sodium chloride solution. Novelty and scientific contribution. The exceptional corrosion inhibition potential of sage extract opens a door for its use and revalorization as a green corrosion inhibitor in<br />Pozadina istraživanja. Zbog sve većeg interesa i brige o ekološkim problemima i zaštiti okoliša, u svijetu je porasla potražnja za biorazgradivim i učinkovitim inhibitorima korozije bijelog lima. Ekstrat kadulje, s obzirom na raznolikost polifenolnih spojeva koje sadržava, predstavlja mogući izvor jeftinog i učinkovitog biorazgradivog zelenog inhibitora korozije bijelog lima u 3,0 %-tnoj otopini natrijevog klorida, što je i istraživano u ovom radu. Eksperimentalni pristup. Za procjenu inhibicijske aktivnosti ekstrakta kadulje (Salvia officinalis L.) kao zelenog inhibitora korozije bijelog lima u 3,0 %-tnoj otopini natrijevog klorida korištene su Tafelova polarizacija i spektroskopija elektrokemijske impedancije (EIS) pri 25 °C. Rezultati i zaključci. Upotrijebljena je spektroskopija elektrokemijske impedancije prikazala kako ekstrakt kadulje pri masenoj koncentraciji od 0,2 mg/L može poslužiti kao učinkovit inhibitor (94,1 %) korozije bijelog lima u 3,0 %-tnoj otopini NaCl na temperaturi od 25 °C. Rezultati dobiveni potenciodinamičkom polarizacijom pokazuju da ekstrakt kadulje djeluje kao mješoviti tip inhibitora, s učinkovitošću inhibicije do 82,5 %, a učinkovitost inhibicije izračunata iz podataka dobivenih pomoću EIS-a bila je u skladu s tim rezultatima. Rezultati infracrvene spektroskopije s Fourierovom transformacijom uz prigušenu totalnu refleksiju (ATR-FTIR) pokazali su da je inhibicijski učinak ekstrakta kadulje posljedica prisutnosti pasivizirajućeg sloja na površini ploče bijelog lima, koji se sastoji od organskih spojeva kao što su polifenoli. Ovi rezultati potvrđuju da je ekstrakt kadulje pri koncentraciji od 0,2 mg/L učinkovitiji u inhibiciji korozije bijelog lima nego pri višim koncentracijama. Također, pokazuje dobru inhibiciju korozije bijelog lima u 3,0 %-tnoj otopini natrijevog klorida. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Izuzetan potencijal ekstrakta kadulje za inhibiciju korozije bijelog lima otvara vrata za njegovu upotrebu kao zelenog inhibitora koro


Database :
Journal :
Food Technology and Biotechnology; ISSN 1330-9862 (Print); ISSN 1334-2606 (Online); Volume 59; Issue 4
Notes :
application/pdf, English
Publication Type :
Electronic Resource
Accession number :
Document Type :
Electronic Resource