Towards a reporting guideline for developmental and reproductive toxicology testing in C. elegans and other nematodes
IRAS OH Toxicology, et al. Towards a Reporting Guideline for Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology Testing in C. Elegans and Other Nematodes. 2021. EBSCOhost,
IRAS OH Toxicology, dIRAS RA-1, van der Voet, M., Teunis, M., Louter-van de Haar, J., Stigter, N., Bhalla, D., Rooseboom, M., Wever, K. E., Krul, C., Pieters, R., Wildwater, M., & van Noort, V. (2021). Towards a reporting guideline for developmental and reproductive toxicology testing in C. elegans and other nematodes.
IRAS OH Toxicology, dIRAS RA-1, Monique van der Voet, Marc Teunis, Johanna Louter-van de Haar, Nienke Stigter, Diksha Bhalla, et al. 2021. “Towards a Reporting Guideline for Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology Testing in C. Elegans and Other Nematodes.”