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Uticaj različitih stimulatora rasta na zdravstveno stanje i proizvodne rezultate brojlera u tovu

Authors :
Marković, Radmila
Baltić, Milan Ž.
Radosavac, Adriana
Šefer, Dragan
Marković, Radmila
Baltić, Milan Ž.
Radosavac, Adriana
Šefer, Dragan
Source :
Veterinarski žurnal Republike Srpske
Publication Year :


U cilju ispitivanja uticaja različitih stimulatora rasta u ishrani brojlera na zdravstveno stanje i proizvodne rezultate organizovan je ogled po grupno-kontrolnom sistemu. Ogled je izveden na ukupno 236 jedinki podeljenih u 4 grupe. Ogled je trajao 42 dana, a podeljen je u tri faze. Prva faza trajala je 21, druga 14, a treća 7 dana. Na početku ogleda uzeti su uzoraci potpunih smeša za analizu. Tokom ogleda izvršena su kontrolna merenja telesne mase brojlera i količine konzumirane hrane. Brojleri su hranjeni sa tri vrste potpunih smeša za ishranu brojlera u tovu standardnog sirovinskog i hemijskog sastava koje su u potpunosti zadovoljavale potrebe brojlera u različitim fazama tova. Potpuna smeša za početni tov brojlera korišćena je 1–21 dan, a potpune smeša za završni tov 21–35, odnosno 35–42 dana ogleda. Tokom ogleda kontrolna grupa brojlera hranjena je smešama bez stimulatora rasta, dok su ogledne grupe, po redosledu (O-I, O-II, O-III), dobijale hranu sa dodatkom antibiotika (Flavomycin), probiotika (All-Lac) ili prebiotika (Bio-Mos). Brojleri kontrolne i oglednih grupa bili su skladne telesne građe, pravilno razvijenog koštanog i mišićnog tkiva, živahnog temperamenta i dobre kondicije. Perje, koža i vidljive sluznice bile su bez vidljivih promena. Apetit je bio dobar, a feces uobičajeno formiran. Sposobnost aktivnog kretanja i koordinacija pokreta bili su usklađeni, a mišićni tonus normalno izražen. Tokom ogleda nije bilo uginuća oglednih životinja. Kontrolna grupa brojlera hranjena smešama bez dodatog stimulatora rasta postigla je uobičajene proizvodne rezultate za provenijenciju, dužinu tova i uslove držanja, a primenom antibiotika kao stimulatora rasta postižu se pozitivni efekti što se zasniva na većem prirastu (oko 5%), boljoj konzumaciji i boljoj konverziji hrane (oko 6%) prosečno. Upotrebom probiotika (prirast 43,17±5,02 g; konzumacija 83,50 g; konverzija 1,934 kg) i prebiotika (prirast 44,58±4,76 g; konzumacija 81,84 g; konverzija 1,836 kg) postižu se slič<br />The 42 day long trial was performed in order to evaluate the influence of different growth promoters (GP) in broiler nutrition on health status and performance. The trial was carried out on 236 broilers divided into four groups. The experiment was divided into three phases, which lasted 21, 14 and 7 days, respectively. At the beginning of the trial samples of feed mixtures were taken for analysis. During the experiment body weights were measured. The broilers were fed with complete feed mixtures containing standard ingredients and chemical compounds for broiler nutrition. Complete starter feed were used from 1-21st day, while growing and finishing feeds were used from 21-35th and 35-42nd day of trial. Control group of broilers was fed mixture without GP, while broilers in experimental groups, in the order (O-I, O-II, O-III), were fed mixtures with antibiotic (Flavomycin), probiotic (All-Lac) or prebiotic (Bio-Mos). Broilers of both control and experimental groups, were of harmonically physique, regularly developed bone and muscle tissue, vivaciously tempers and good condition. Feather, skin and visible mucous tissues didn’t have visible changes. Appetite was good, feces normally formed. Ability of locomotion and motion coordination were harmonic, muscle tonus normally marked. There were no losses during experiment due to death of animals. Control group (C) of broilers fed mixtures without growth promoters showed standard performance for provenience, duration of fattening and environmental conditions, but using antibiotics as growth promoters gave positive effect with increased weight gain (approximately 5%), consumption and better feed conversion (approx. 6%). Use of probiotics (gain 43,17±5,02 g; consumption 83,50 g; conversion 1,934 kg) and prebiotics (gain 44,58±4,76 g; consumption 81,84 g; conversion 1,836 kg) has shown similar performances as obtained by use of antibiotics, but undesirable effects were eliminated (residues, withdrawal period, resistance, allerg


Database :
Journal :
Veterinarski žurnal Republike Srpske
Notes :
Veterinarski žurnal Republike Srpske, Serbian
Publication Type :
Electronic Resource
Accession number :
Document Type :
Electronic Resource