Two decades of valve-sparing root reimplantation in tricuspid aortic valve: impact of aortic regurgitation and cusp repair.
UCL - SSS/IREC/CARD - Pôle de recherche cardiovasculaire, et al. “Two Decades of Valve-Sparing Root Reimplantation in Tricuspid Aortic Valve: Impact of Aortic Regurgitation and Cusp Repair.” European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Vol. 59, No.5, p. 1069-1076 (2021), 2021. EBSCOhost,
UCL - SSS/IREC/CARD - Pôle de recherche cardiovasculaire, UCL - (SLuc) Service de chirurgie cardiovasculaire et thoracique, UCL - (SLuc) Service d’anesthésiologie, Tamer, S., Mastrobuoni, S., Lemaire, G., Jahanyar, J., Navarra, E., Poncelet, A., Astarci, P., El Khoury, G., & de Kerchove, L. (2021). Two decades of valve-sparing root reimplantation in tricuspid aortic valve: impact of aortic regurgitation and cusp repair. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Vol. 59, No.5, p. 1069-1076 (2021).
UCL - SSS/IREC/CARD - Pôle de recherche cardiovasculaire, UCL - (SLuc) Service de chirurgie cardiovasculaire et thoracique, UCL - (SLuc) Service d’anesthésiologie, Saadallah Tamer, Stefano Mastrobuoni, Guillaume Lemaire, Jama Jahanyar, et al. 2021. “Two Decades of Valve-Sparing Root Reimplantation in Tricuspid Aortic Valve: Impact of Aortic Regurgitation and Cusp Repair.” European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Vol. 59, No.5, p. 1069-1076 (2021).