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Korišćenje robota lego-tipa za učenje socijalnim veštinama u neformalnom inkluzivnom okruženju : akciono istraživanje

Authors :
Nanu, Andromahi
Šenin, Ihab
Ikonomu, Andreas
Nanu, Andromahi
Šenin, Ihab
Ikonomu, Andreas
Source :
Obrazovanje u funkciji modernizacije društva
Publication Year :


Da bi obezbedila jednakost, modernizovana društva „su dužna“ da primenjuju efikasnu inkluzivnu praksu u nastavnim i vannastavnim edukativnim aktivnostima. Pored toga što motivišu tipičnu decu da pristupe naučnim konceptima, roboti mogu biti i snažan motivator za učenje u inkluzivnom okruženju jer je dokazana njihova korist za decu s posebnim obrazovnim potrebama, a naročito s poremećajem autističnog spektra (ASD). Robote Lego-tipa može na kontrolisan način lako programirati dete s ASD poremećajem, što smanjuje stres, čak i u okolnostima koje zahtevaju rešavanje složenih situacija. Cilj ove studije bio je procena učenja socijalnih veština u grupi inkluzivne dece uz korišćenje robota Lego-tipa kao „kolaborativnog motivatora“. Metodologija istraživanja prati principe akcionog istraživanja. Učestvovalo je šestoro dece stare 10 godina, od kojih su četivoro tipična deca, a dvoje s ASD dijagnozom. Projekat je trajao tri meseca i odvijao se jednom sedmično. Za prikupljanje podataka korišćeni su protokoli posmatranja i intervjui. Prema nalazima, programiranje robota Lego tipa privuklo je interesovanje sve dece. Razvile su se pozitivne interakcije između članova tima i deca sa ASD-om su razvila komunikacione i socijalne veštine kojima su ih učili. Tipična deca su, s druge strane, razvila pozitivan stav prema deci s ASD-om i imala snažnu motivaciju da ih uključe u svoje aktivnosti. Roboti Lego-tipa ne samo da mogu maksimalno iskoristiti pun potencijal novih tehnologija, već dovode do saradnje tipične dece i dece s ASD-om u inkluzivnoj edukativnoj sredini. Prednosti integracije robota prilagođenih korisnicima u inkluzivnu sredinu treba dodatno istražiti.<br />In order to ensure equality, modernized societies are “obliged” to apply effective inclusive practices at schools or in the after-school learning environments. Robots, besides motivating the typical children to approach scientific concepts, can also be used as a strong learning motivators in inclusive environments, since their benefits for the SEN and especially Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) children have been demonstrated. Lego-type robots can easily be programmed in a controlled manner by the ASD child, minimizing the stress even in circumstances where the resolution of complex situations is required. The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of teaching social skills in an inclusive group of children, using a Lego-type robot as “collaborative motivator”. The research methodology followed the principals of action research. The participants were six 10-year old children, four of which were typical and two were diagnosed with ASD. The project lasted for three months, at onceper- week frequency. Observing protocols and interviews were used for data collection. According to the findings, Lego-type robot programming attracted the interest of all children. Positive interactions developed among the team members, and the children with ASD developed the communication and social skills that they have been taught. Typical children, on the other hand, developed positive attitudes towards children with ASD and had a strong incentive to include them in their activities. Lego-type robots not only can maximize and exploit the full potential of new technologies but can also bring together typical and ASD children to collaborate in inclusive learning environments. The benefits of integrating user friendly robots in inclusive environments could be further investigated.


Database :
Journal :
Obrazovanje u funkciji modernizacije društva
Notes :
Obrazovanje u funkciji modernizacije društva, Serbian, English
Publication Type :
Electronic Resource
Accession number :
Document Type :
Electronic Resource