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Diverzitet makrogljiva i njihova uloga u monitoringu stanja šumskih ekosistema Srbije

Authors :
Karaman, Maja
Galović, Vladislava
Forkapić, Sofija
Marković, Miroslav
Kebert, Marko
Rakić, Milana
Karaman, Maja
Galović, Vladislava
Forkapić, Sofija
Marković, Miroslav
Kebert, Marko
Rakić, Milana
Publication Year :


U okviru ove doktorske disertacije vršeno je istraživanje zajednica makrogljiva u okviru 5 šumskih staništa na Vidliču, Kopaoniku i Tari. Ispitivan je mikodiverzitet sa morfološkog, funkcionalnog i genetskog stanovišta. U istraživanju morološkog i funkcionalnog diverziteta, korišćene su različite klasične metode čiji rezultati su omogućili procenu stanja posmatranih mikocenoza, kao i samih šumskih staništa. Za analizu sastava vrsta u okviru mikocenoza, kao i procenu uticaja abiotičkih faktora na brojnost i sastav vrsta u okviru različitih funkcionalnih grupa, korišćeno je nekoliko statističkih metoda (PCA, PLS, CA i CCA). Osam vrsta, koje su pripadale najrasprostranjenijim i najzastupljenijim vrstama su odabrane za molekularne analize, koje su podrazumevale sekvenciranje ITS regiona rDNK, analizu njihovih polimorfizama kao i filogenetske analize u okviru vrste/roda. U cilju procene zagađenja staništa, u plodnim telima makrogljiva i njihovom supstratu je određen sadržaj metala (atomskom apsorpcionom spektrofotometrijom) i radionuklida (gamaspektrometrijom). Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da diverzitet makrogljiva oslikava stanje samog staništa i da dugoročnim monitoringom mogu ukazati na promene u njemu.<br />Within the framework of this doctoral dissertation, monitoring of macrofungal communities, within 5 forest habitats on Vidlič, Kopaonik and Tara, was done. Mycodiversity was investigated from the morphological, functional and genetic point of view. Various classical methods used, enabled the assessment of the condition of macrofungal communities, as well as the observed forest habitats. Several statistical methods (PCA, PLS, CA and CCA) were used to analyze the composition of species within the mycocenosis, as well as the assessment of the effects of abiotic factors on the species richness and species composition within different functional groups.Some of the most represented species have been selected for molecular analyzes, which includedsequencing of the ITS region, the analysis of polymorphisms, as well as phylogenetic analyzes within the species/genus. In order to assess the pollution of habitats, the content of metals (atomic absorption spectrophotometry) and radionuclides (gamma spectrometry) was determined in the sporocarps of macrofungi and their substrate. The obtained results indicate that diversity of macrofungi reflects the state of the habitat itself and that long-term monitoring can indicate changes in it.


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Electronic Resource
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Document Type :
Electronic Resource