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Dokazivanje prisustva virusnih infekcija u zajednicama Apis mellifera primjenom molekularno-bioloških metoda
- Source :
- Универзитет у Новом Саду
- Publication Year :
- 2013
- Dokazivanje virusnih infekcija pĉela od velikog je interesa za pravilnu procjenu odnosa izmeĊu domaćina i potencijalnog patogena. Do izrade ove doktorske teze, na teritoriji Bosne i Hercegovine nije bilo prouĉavanja koja bi dokaz virusnih infekcija pĉela dovela do mogućnosti kliniĉke procjene patološkog odnosa za eko-genotip prilagoĊene pĉelinje zajednice. Evolucijski adaptirani virusi medonosne pĉele Apis mellifera carnica, sa stanovišta veterinarske entomologije, veterinarske virusologije i infektivnih bolesti, te saznanja veterinarskog servisa uopšte, nisu bili dovoljno prepoznati. Pojava i dostupnost molekularnih dijagnostiĉkih metoda omogućile su senzitivno i specifiĉno dokazivanje dijela genoma virusa koji inficiraju pĉelinje zajednice. Iz ekstrahovanih uzoraka templata razliĉitih uzoraka homogenizata sluĉajno uzorkovanih pĉela, RNK, sa jednim parom prajmera za svaki virus, pojedinaĉno, redoslijedom: BQCV, DWV, SBV, ABPV, KBV, CBPV uraĊeni su amplifikacijski protokoli i dobijeni rezultati za klasiĉan, end point, RT-PCR. Ovom doktorskom disertacijom dobijeni su prvi rezultati koji se odnose na utvrĊivanje prisustva i raširenosti virusnih infekcija kod vrste Apis mellifera u pĉelinjacima Bosne i Hercegovine. Od oko dvadeset virusa koji inficiraju pĉele i pĉelinje zajednice, metodama primjenjive molekularne dijagnostike u ovoj doktorskoj tezi dokazivali smo prisustvo virusnih infekcija za šest najviše prouĉavanih virusa pĉela. Dobijeni rezultati dokazali su prisustvo pet od šest traţenih virusa sa razliĉitim kombinacijama koinfekcija te raznolikom prostornom distribucijom virusa. Poznavanje sloţenih mehanizama virusnih infekcija pĉelinjih zajednica neophodnost je koja sa novim saznanjima proglašava neke od virusa emergentnim patogenima, koji bitno narušavaju opstanak pĉelinje zajednice. U patološko-sinergistiĉkom odnosu sa nametnikom pĉelinje zajednice Varroa destructor neki pĉelinji virusi uzroci su globalno registrovanih gubitaka. Dio istraţivanja u radu odnosi<br />Evidence of viral infection of bees is of great interest for the proper assessment of the relationship between host and pathogen potential. By making this doctoral thesis on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where before was no present study of evidence of viral infections, lead to ability on clinical evaluation of pathological relations for eco-genotype adapted colonies. Evolutionarily adapted viruses honeybee Apis mellifera, from the veterinary entomology, veterinary virology and infectious diseases, and knowledge of the veterinary services in general, have not been recognized enough. The appearance and availability of molecular diagnostic methods have allowed sensitive and specific detection part of the genome of the virus that infects the colonies. Templates were extracted from samples of different patterns, homogenisate, randomly sampled bees, RNA, with a pair of primers for each virus, respectively, in the order: BQCV, DWV, SBV, ABPV, KBV, CBPV amplification protocols were done and the results obtained by conventional, end point, RT -PCR. This doctoral dissertation obtained the first results concerning the determination of the presence and spread of viral infections in the species Apis mellifera in Bosnia and Herzegovina. From about twenty viruses that can infect bees and hives using diagnostic methods applicable in this doctoral thesis we demonstrate the presence of viral infections of six most studied viruses of bees. The obtained results showed the presence five of the six essential viruses in forms of co-infection with different combinations and varied virus spatial distribution. Awareness of the complex mechanisms of viral infections in colonies is that the new knowledge proclaimed a virus as "emergent pathogen" that significantly impairs the survival of honeybee colonies. The pathogenic synergistic relationship with the parasite Varroa destructor causes that bee viruses are globally listed as reasons for losses. Part of the research work was relat
- Database :
- OAIster
- Journal :
- Универзитет у Новом Саду
- Publication Type :
- Electronic Resource
- Accession number :
- edsoai.on1242118699
- Document Type :
- Electronic Resource