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Uticaj dobrovoljnog poverljivog savetovanja i testiranja na HIV na promene u znanju, stavovima i ponašanju ispitanika

Authors :
Gledović, Zorana
Bjegović-Mikanović, Vesna
Jevtović, Đorđe
Janković, Slavenka
Paunić, Mila D.
Gledović, Zorana
Bjegović-Mikanović, Vesna
Jevtović, Đorđe
Janković, Slavenka
Paunić, Mila D.
Source :
Универзитет у Београду
Publication Year :


Uvod: Dobrovoljno poverljivo savetovanje i testiranje (DPST) je široko zastupljena preventivna praksa za koju se veruje da ima potencijal da utiče na porast znanja, promenu stavova, i smanjenje rizičnog ponašanja za HIV infekciju. Iako se DPST u Srbiji već duže od 12 godina obavlja u skladu sa nacionalnim protokolom i preporukama SZO i UNAIDS-a, do danas nije objavljena nijedna opsežnija evaluaciona studija kojom je procenjeno koliko opisani način rada daje željenih rezultata. Cilj: U tom smislu sprovedeno je ovo istraživanje, koje je imalo cilj da ispita povezanost prakse dobrovoljnog poverljivog savetovanja i testiranja na HIV i promena koje nastaju u oblasti znanja, ponašanja i stavova. Metod: Istraživanje je sprovedeno u periodu od maja 2010. godine do septembra 2011. godine. Subjekti istraživanja bili su klijenti savetovališta za dobrovoljno poverljivo savetovanje i testiranje na HIV u Zavodu za zdravstvenu zaštitu studenata Beograd, osobe oba pola, starosti 18-30 godina koje su koristile usluge ovog savetovališta. Istraživanje je bazirano na studiji preseka u dva vremenska perioda: prilikom prvog dolaska na DPST (N=427) tokom koga su sve osobe dobile kompletnu uslugu DPST-a i popunile posebno konstruisan upitnik za procenu znanja, stavova i ponašanja, i nakon perioda od 4-6 meseci (N=365) kada su klijenti popunili identičan upitnik. Kod 17 (od 427) klijenata otkrivena je HIV infekcija (3,98%). Statisička analiza je urađena za svaku grupu ispitanika pojedinačno i u prvoj i u drugoj fazi isptivanja, a od statističkih testova korišćen je T-test za numeričke parametarske varijable i Chi-kvadrat test za kategorijske varijable. Urađena je uporedna statistička analiza podataka u smislu otkrivanja postojanja ili nepostojanja razlika u odgovorima u znanju, stavovima i ponašanju pre i posle intervencije Mc Nemarovim testom za kategorijske dihotomne varijable, Wilcoxon-ovim testom za ordinalne varijable i Ttestom za vezane uzorke za numeričke varijable...<br />Introduction: Volontary confidential counselling and testing (VCCT/VCT) is a widespread preventive practice that is believed to have the potential to affect increase of knowledge, change of attitudes, and decrease of risk behavior for HIV infection. Although VCCT in Serbia has been performed for more than 12 years in accordance with national protocols and recommendations of the WHO and UNAIDS, to our knowledge no extensive evaluation study has been published up to now that estimates how are the described mode renders desired results. Objective: In this respect, the presented research was conducted in order to study the connection between the practice of voluntary confidential counselling and testing for HIV and the changes that occurre in the field of knowledge, behavior, and attitudes. Methodology: The research was conducted during the period of May 2010 till September 2011. The research subjects were clients of VCCT for HIV counseling centre in the Institute for Students Health of Belgrade, also persons of both sex, aged 18-30 years who used the services of the counselling centre. The research is based on crosssectional studies in two time periods: at the first arrival to VCCT (N = 427), when each person was provided with the complete VCCT service and then filled in a specially designed questionnaire for the assessment of knowledge, attitudes, and behavior; and the second arrival after a period of 4-6 months (N = 365) when clients filled in the identical questionnaire. The HIV infection was detected at 17 (out of 427) clients (3.98%). The statistical analysis was performed for each group of respondents respectively the first and second stage of examination, and the statistical tests used were T-test for numerical parametric variables and Chi-square test for categorical variables. A comparative statistical analysis of the data was performed in terms of discovering the existence or non-existence of differences in the responses regarding knowledge, attitudes and beha


Database :
Journal :
Универзитет у Београду
Publication Type :
Electronic Resource
Accession number :
Document Type :
Electronic Resource