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K Statistici Jevrejstva Kraljevine SHS

Authors :
Schwarz, N.
Schwarz, N.
Schwarz, N.
Schwarz, N.
Source :
Jevrejski almanah za godinu 5688 (1927/28)
Publication Year :


Tekst je podelјen na dva dela. U prvom dijelu opisan je istorijat židovske bogoštovne općine u Osijeku. Prema dokumentima iz osiječke arhive iz 1746. godine može se zaključiti da su Jevreji već tada živeli u donjem Osijeku. Postoje i drugi verodostojni dokumenti iz 18. i 19. veka ali se 1849-a godina smatra zvaničnom godinom osnivanja ove opštine. Iz najstarijih zapisnika ove opštine saznajemo ko su bili njeni utemeljitelji, predsednici, rabini i zaslužni članovi, kada su izrađeni opštinski statuti i izgrađen hram, organizovana škola i dobrotvorno društvo "Hevra-Kadiša" i uređeno groblje. Veoma značajnu ulogu u procvatu osiječke opštine imao je nadrabin Samuel Spitzer koji je skoro 40 godina vodio ovu opštinu. Njegovom zaslugom je još 1858. godine osnovano Izraelitičko dobrotvorno gospojinsko društvo koje je kroz svoj humanitarni rad postalo visoko cenjeno i uvaženo. Drugi deo teksta odnosi se na informacije o Savezu židovskih omladinskih udruženja Kraljevine SHS koje je osnovano 1919. godine.<br />The text is divided into two parts. The first part describes the history of the Jewish religious community in Osijek. According to documents from the Osijek archives from 1746, it can be concluded that Jews already lived in lower Osijek at that time. There are other authentic documents from the 18th and 19th centuries, but 1849 is considered the official year of the founding of this community. From the oldest records of this community, we find out who its founders, presidents, rabbis and deserving members were, when the community statutes were drafted and the temple was built, the school and the charity "Hevra-Kadiša" was organized, and the cemetery was arranged. A very important role in the prosperity of the Osijek community was played by the senior rabbi Samuel Spitzer, who led this community for almost 40 years. Thanks to him, an Israeli charitable lady's society was founded in 1858, which became highly esteemed and respected through its humanitarian work. The second part of the text refers to the information about the Federation of Jewish Youth Associations of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, which was founded in 1919.


Database :
Journal :
Jevrejski almanah za godinu 5688 (1927/28)
Notes :
Jevrejski almanah za godinu 5688 (1927/28), sh
Publication Type :
Electronic Resource
Accession number :
Document Type :
Electronic Resource