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Analyses of the flora of railway stations in the Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean areas of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Authors :
Nenad Jasprica
Milenko Milović
Katija Dolina
Anđelka Lasić
Nenad Jasprica
Milenko Milović
Katija Dolina
Anđelka Lasić
Source :
Natura Croatica : Periodicum Musei Historiae Naturalis Croatici; ISSN 1330-0520 (Print); ISSN 1848-7386 (Online); Volume 26; Issue 2
Publication Year :


The main aims of our study were (1) to determine the flora in railway areas with special emphasis on the presence of neophytes; (2) to describe the features of the flora through analyses of taxonomic composition, chorotypes, life forms and the phytosociological character of species found at 15 stations in the Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean areas of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (SE Europe). According to their floristic composition, two broad groups of stations were recognized: i) stations in the most southerly area with higher annual precipitation and air temperature (cities of Ploče, Metković, Čapljina, Mostar), and ii) stations in sub-Mediterranean rural areas located exclusively at higher altitudes, including stations in three Dalmatian large cities (Zadar, Šibenik, Split). Altogether, 359 vascular plant taxa (336 species and 23 subspecies) were identified within 62 families and 230 genera. Therophytes, and Mediterraneans with a considerable proportion of Cosmopolitans were predominant. Neophytes contributed 14% of identified flora, the majority being invasive. In the phytosociological spectrum, the largest element was made up of taxa from Stellarietea mediae and Festuco valesiacae-Brometea erecti classes. Most of the railway stations studied excluding those in large cities, retain a link with the floristic composition of the plant communities of their biogeographic contexts.<br />Glavni ciljevi istraživanja bili su (1) utvrditi floru na željezničkim postajama s posebnim naglaskom na udio pridošlica; (2) opisati florističke značajke analizirajući taksonomski sastav, florne elemente, životne oblike i fitocenološku pripadnost biljnih svojti na 15 postaja u mediteranskom i submediteranskom području Hrvatske i Bosne Hercegovine (Jugoistočna Europa). Analizom florističkog sastava utvrđene su dvije glavne skupine željezničkih postaja: i) postaje na krajnjem jugu Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine s višom godišnjom količinom oborina i temperaturom zraka (Ploče, Metković, Čapljina, Mostar) te ii) postaje u ruralnim područjima na isključivo višim nadmorskim visinama, uključujući i one u tri najveća dalmatinska grada Zadru, Šibeniku i Splitu. Ukupno je utvrđeno 359 svojti (336 vrsta and 23 podvrste) vaskularnih biljaka svrstanih u 230 rodova i 62 porodice. Prevladavali su terofiti te svojte mediteranskog flornog elementa s značajnim udjelom široko rasprostranjenih svojti. Udio neofita u ukupnoj flori bio je 14%, a većina imaju status invazivnih svojti. Fitocenološki, najveći broj svojti svojstvene su vegetacijskim razredima Stellarietea mediae i Festuco valesiacae-Brometea erecti ili njihovim nižim sintaksonima. Najveći broj istraživanih željezničkih postaja, osim onih u velikim dalmatinskim gradovima, pokazuju vezu s florističkim sastavom biljnih zajednica unutar svojeg biogeografskog položaja.


Database :
Journal :
Natura Croatica : Periodicum Musei Historiae Naturalis Croatici; ISSN 1330-0520 (Print); ISSN 1848-7386 (Online); Volume 26; Issue 2
Notes :
application/pdf, English
Publication Type :
Electronic Resource
Accession number :
Document Type :
Electronic Resource