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Durangaldeko psikomotrizitatearen egoera gaur egun
- Publication Year :
- 2020
- 79 p. : il. -- Bibliogr.: p. 45-49<br />[EUS] Psikomotrizitatea gure eskoletan denbora gutxi daraman praktika da. Praktika honek umearen garapen intregala bermatzen laguntzen digu, baina gaur egungo irakasleek prest ahal daude horrelako praktikak aurrera eramateko? Zein jarduera motor erabiltzen dituzte praktika horietan umearen garapenerako? Lan honek emandako aukera baliatuz, Durangaldeko maisu-maistra batzuei psikomotrizitateari buruz daukaten iritziei eta praktika bera martxan jartzeko dauzkaten estrategiei buruz galdetu egin zaie. Horretarako, datuak biltzeko tresna bezala galdetegi bat eraiki da, metodologia mistoa izanik, hau da, kualitatibo-kuantatiboa. Laginak sei ikastetxe ezberdinetako zazpi irakaslek osatzen dute eta bertatik lortutako emaitzak azterketa konparatibo eta ebaluazio bat egitea ahalbidetu dute Gradu Amaierako Lanean finkatutako helburuen arabera. Emaitzak, aldiz, paradoxa batzuk agerian usten ditu irakasleen prestakuntzari eta egungo ikastetxeetako baldintzei buruz.<br />[EN] Psychomotricity is a practice that takes little time in our schools. This practice helps us to guarantee the comprenhensive development of the child, but are today's teachers ready to carry out such practices? Which motor activities do they use in these practices for the development of the child? With the opportunity given to this work, teachers from the Durangaldea have been asked about the opinion of the psychomotricity and their strategies to start it. To do this, a quiz was created as a data gathering tool, with a mixed methodology, that is, qualitative-quantitative. The sample consists of seven teachers from six different schools and the results obtained from it have made possible a comparative analysis and evaluation in accordance with the objectives established in the Final Project. The results, on the other hand, show some paradoxes about the training of teachers and the conditions of current schools.
- Database :
- OAIster
- Notes :
- Basque, Spanish
- Publication Type :
- Electronic Resource
- Accession number :
- edsoai.on1158296050
- Document Type :
- Electronic Resource