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Udjeli ukupnih fenola, mikroelemenata i ostataka pesticida u bijelim izdancima pet komercijalnih kultivara hmelja uzgojenog u Sloveniji

Authors :
Mateja Vidmar
Veronika Abram
Barbara Čeh
Lea Demšar
Nataša Poklar Ulrih
Mateja Vidmar
Veronika Abram
Barbara Čeh
Lea Demšar
Nataša Poklar Ulrih
Source :
Food Technology and Biotechnology; ISSN 1330-9862 (Print); ISSN 1334-2606 (Online); Volume 57; Issue 4
Publication Year :


Berba bijelih izdanaka hmelja mogla bi biti opravdana ako bi se dokazalo njihovo pozitivno djelovanje na zdravlje ljudi. Svrha je ovoga rada bila odrediti utjecaj kultivara i godine uzgoja hmelja na ukupni udjel fenola, antioksidacijski potencijal, te udjele mikroelemenata i ostataka pesticida. Biomasa biljaka bitno se razlikovala ovisno o kultivaru (3,1-7,1 g suhe tvari biljke) i godini uzgoja (2009.-2001.). Ukupni maseni udjel fenola, izražen u ekvivalentima klorogene kiseline u suhoj masi, bio je od 0,60 do 1,80 mg/g, ovisno o kultivaru i godini uzgoja. Sposobnost uklanjanja slobodnih radikala uzoraka ubranih u razdoblju od 2010. do 2012. iznosila je od 11 do 19 µg ekvivalenata klorogene kiseline. Reduktivna sposobnost ispitana FRAP metodom bila je <0,01; a bitni utjecaj kultivara (pC≤0,05) i godine uzgoja (py≤0,05) opažen je samo u uzorcima iz 2012. godine. U bijelim izdancima kultivara hmelja Humulus lupulus ‘Dana’ ispitana je prisutnost tragova mikroelemenata i potencijalno aktivnih spojeva zaostalih nakon primjene pesticida. Udjel je cinka u suhoj masi izdanaka hmelja bio vrlo malen (4 mg/kg), a u tlu ga je bilo ispod granice detekcije. Udjel bakra je u izdancima također bio vrlo malen (2,3 mg/kg), dok ga je u tlu bilo 100 mg/kg, što je ispod kritične razine (300 mg/kg). Udjeli svih 182 aktivnih sastojaka iz ostataka pesticida upotrijebljenih u prethodnim sadnjama bili su ispod granica detekcije. Iz rezultata možemo zaključiti da bijeli izdanci hmelja imaju bolja antioksidacijska svojstva od šišarki i lišća hmelja, te da ne sadržavaju ostatke pesticida.<br />Harvesting of white hop shoots might be justified if they can be shown to be beneficial to human health. The aim of the present study is to determine the effects of hop cultivars and year of production on total phenolics, antioxidant potential, microelements and pesticide residues. Biomass per plant was highly variable among the cultivars (3.1-7.1 g dry mass per plant) and depended on hop cultivar and year (2009-2011). Total phenolics as chlorogenic acid equivalents (CAE) on dry mass basis varied from 0.60 to 1.80 mg/g, and showed significant effects across hop cultivar and year. The radical scavenging activities of the samples collected in years 2010-2012 ranged from 11 to 19 μg CAE. Ferric reducing activity was <0.01, with significantly different effects across hop cultivars (pC≤0.05) and year (py≤0.05) observed only in 2012. Traces of microelements and potentially active compounds from the use of pesticides in white hop shoots of Humulus lupulus ‘Dana’ were analysed. The content of zinc in the hop shoots on dry mass basis was very low (4 mg/kg), and it was below the limit of detection in the soil. The content of copper in the hop shoots was also very low (2.3 mg/kg), while in the soil it was below the critical emission (100 vs 300 mg/kg, respectively). All 182 active ingredients from the residues of the previously used pesticides were below the limits of detection. It can be concluded that these white hop shoots are better antioxidants than hop cones and hop leaves, and that they do not contain any pesticide residues.


Database :
Journal :
Food Technology and Biotechnology; ISSN 1330-9862 (Print); ISSN 1334-2606 (Online); Volume 57; Issue 4
Notes :
application/pdf, English, Croatian
Publication Type :
Electronic Resource
Accession number :
Document Type :
Electronic Resource