Improvement of postoperative radiotherapy for carcinoma of the breast 3rd report The lung changes and the fracture of the ribs following the conventional deep x-ray therapy with tangential portals for the chest wall including parasternal lymphnodes
キクチアキラ, et al. Improvement of Postoperative Radiotherapy for Carcinoma of the Breast 3rd Report The Lung Changes and the Fracture of the Ribs Following the Conventional Deep X-Ray Therapy with Tangential Portals for the Chest Wall Including Parasternal Lymphnodes. 1963. EBSCOhost,
キクチアキラ, ヤマグチコウイチ, シダトシオ, Kikuchi, A., Yamaguchi, K., Shida, T., 菊池章, 山口昻一, & 志田寿夫. (1963). Improvement of postoperative radiotherapy for carcinoma of the breast 3rd report The lung changes and the fracture of the ribs following the conventional deep x-ray therapy with tangential portals for the chest wall including parasternal lymphnodes.
キクチアキラ, ヤマグチコウイチ, シダトシオ, Akira Kikuchi, Koichi Yamaguchi, Toshio Shida, 菊池章, 山口昻一, and 志田寿夫. 1963. “Improvement of Postoperative Radiotherapy for Carcinoma of the Breast 3rd Report The Lung Changes and the Fracture of the Ribs Following the Conventional Deep X-Ray Therapy with Tangential Portals for the Chest Wall Including Parasternal Lymphnodes.”