An answer at large, to a most hereticall, trayterous, and papisticall byll in English verse which was cast abrode in the streetes of Northamton, and brought before the judges at the last assizes there, 1570.
Knell, Thomas, fl.1560-1581., and Thomas, fl.1560-1581. Knell. An Answer at Large, to a Most Hereticall, Trayterous, and Papisticall Byll in English Verse Which Was Cast Abrode in the Streetes of Northamton, and Brought before the Judges at the Last Assizes There, 1570. EBSCOhost, Accessed 11 Mar. 2025.
Knell, T. fl. 1560-1581., & Knell, T. fl. 1560-1581. (n.d.). An answer at large, to a most hereticall, trayterous, and papisticall byll in English verse which was cast abrode in the streetes of Northamton, and brought before the judges at the last assizes there, 1570.
Knell, Thomas, fl. 1560-1581., and Thomas, fl. 1560-1581. Knell. 2025. “An Answer at Large, to a Most Hereticall, Trayterous, and Papisticall Byll in English Verse Which Was Cast Abrode in the Streetes of Northamton, and Brought before the Judges at the Last Assizes There, 1570.” Accessed March 11.