Phase 1/2 study of subcutaneous and intradermal immunization with a recombinant MAGE-3 protein in patients with detectable metastatic melanoma
Ucl - Md, MIGE-Département de microbiologie, d’immunologie et de génétique, et al. “Phase 1/2 Study of Subcutaneous and Intradermal Immunization with a Recombinant MAGE-3 Protein in Patients with Detectable Metastatic Melanoma.” International Journal of Cancer, Vol. 117, No. 4, p. 596-604 (2005), 2005. EBSCOhost,
Ucl - Md, M.-D. de microbiologie, d’immunologie et de génétique, UCL - MD/MINT - Département de médecine interne, UCL - (SLuc) Unité d’oncologie médicale, UCL - (SLuc) Service d’hématologie, UCL - (SLuc) Centre du cancer, Kruit, W., Van Ojik, H. H., Brichard, V. G., Escudier, B., Dorval, T., Dréno, B., Patel, P., van Baren, N., Avril, M.-F., Piperno, S., Khammari, A., Stas, M., Ritter, G., Lethe, B., … Marchand, M. (2005). Phase 1/2 study of subcutaneous and intradermal immunization with a recombinant MAGE-3 protein in patients with detectable metastatic melanoma. International Journal of Cancer, Vol. 117, No. 4, p. 596-604 (2005).
Ucl - Md, MIGE - Département de microbiologie, d’immunologie et de génétique, UCL - MD/MINT - Département de médecine interne, UCL - (SLuc) Unité d’oncologie médicale, UCL - (SLuc) Service d’hématologie, UCL - (SLuc) Centre du cancer, Whj Kruit, Heidi H. Van Ojik, et al. 2005. “Phase 1/2 Study of Subcutaneous and Intradermal Immunization with a Recombinant MAGE-3 Protein in Patients with Detectable Metastatic Melanoma.” International Journal of Cancer, Vol. 117, No. 4, p. 596-604 (2005).