Genomic alterations of the JAK2 and PDL loci occur in a broad spectrum of lymphoid malignancies.
UCL - SSS/IREC/MONT - Pôle Mont Godinne, et al. “Genomic Alterations of the JAK2 and PDL Loci Occur in a Broad Spectrum of Lymphoid Malignancies.” Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer, Vol. 55, No. 5, p. 428-441 (2016), 2016. EBSCOhost,
UCL - SSS/IREC/MONT - Pôle Mont Godinne, UCL - (MGD) Service d’hématologie, UCL - (MGD) Service d’anatomie pathologique, Van Roosbroeck, K., Ferreiro, J. F., Tousseyn, T., van der Krogt, J.-A., Michaux, L., Pienkowska-Grela, B., Théate, I., De Paepe, P., Dierickx, D., Doyen, C., Put, N., Cools, J., Vandenberghe, P., & Wlodarska, I. (2016). Genomic alterations of the JAK2 and PDL loci occur in a broad spectrum of lymphoid malignancies. Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer, Vol. 55, No. 5, p. 428-441 (2016).
UCL - SSS/IREC/MONT - Pôle Mont Godinne, UCL - (MGD) Service d’hématologie, UCL - (MGD) Service d’anatomie pathologique, Katrien Van Roosbroeck, Julio Finalet Ferreiro, Thomas Tousseyn, Jo-Anne van der Krogt, et al. 2016. “Genomic Alterations of the JAK2 and PDL Loci Occur in a Broad Spectrum of Lymphoid Malignancies.” Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer, Vol. 55, No. 5, p. 428-441 (2016).