X-ray diffraction study of iPP/cand iPP/TiO 2 composites relating to micromechanical properties
Contract grant sponsor, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN); contract grant numbers: FIS2010-18069, MAT2009-00789.Contract grant sponsors: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany, EC Research Infrastructure (FP6 Program) (Desy Project II-07-031 EC)., et al. X-Ray Diffraction Study of IPP/Cand IPP/TiO 2 Composites Relating to Micromechanical Properties. 2012. EBSCOhost,
Contract grant sponsor, S. M. of S. and I. (MICINN); contract grant numbers: F.-18069, M.-00789. C. grant sponsors: A. von H. F. G. E. R. I. (FP6 P. (Desy P. I.-07-031 E., Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España), Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Cagiao, M. E., Baltá Calleja, F. J., Spieckermann, F., Scholtyssek, S., Mina, M. F., & Bhuiyan, M. A. H. (2012). X-ray diffraction study of iPP/cand iPP/TiO 2 composites relating to micromechanical properties.
Contract grant sponsor, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN); contract grant numbers: FIS2010-18069, MAT2009-00789. Contract grant sponsors: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany, EC Research Infrastructure (FP6 Program) (Desy Project II-07-031 EC)., Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España), Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, M. E. Cagiao, Francisco José Baltá Calleja, F. Spieckermann, S. Scholtyssek, M.F. Mina, and M.A.H. Bhuiyan. 2012. “X-Ray Diffraction Study of IPP/Cand IPP/TiO 2 Composites Relating to Micromechanical Properties.”