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The process of urban regeneration in context of information society

Authors :
Bazik, Dragana
Dželebdžić, Omiljena
Petruševski, Ljiljana
Bazik, Dragana
Dželebdžić, Omiljena
Petruševski, Ljiljana
Source :
Arhitektura i urbanizam
Publication Year :


This paper deals with the concept of innovation of the urban regeneration process in context of transformations which are generated by information-communication technologies. From one aspect, Serbia has an exceptional human potential presented in number of 13,000 graduates each year, or in share of 42% of population who speaks English, which is the largest among all Eastern and Central European countries. This forms a basis for formulation of strategies of information society development in Serbia as well as for economic adjustments based upon knowledge, and for tracing the way to future knowledge society, i.e. eEurope 2020. On the other hand, we are witnessing an intensive development of huge complexes of mega and hypermarkets as a present dominant way for our city spaces' regeneration. At the same time, experiences from some other locations point to the deterioration of cities' urban identity as a consequence of the global capital infiltration and of development within an urban tissue of a huge complex of multi-national companies. Aiming to overcome the mistakes portrayed by international experience, as well as potential oversights that may occur because of routine and mismatch between certain phases of the sustainable development process, this paper makes an emphasis on the importance of an integral evaluation of the information society development trends and the spatial aspects of urban regeneration. It is essential to adjust devastated urban spaces as artifacts of one technological era to the actual information era with indication of future digital knowledge era, i.e. to plan, design and develop according to new technological requirements and possibilities for new working places and new quality of living.<br />Rad se bavi konceptom inoviranja procesa urbane regeneracije u kontekstu promena generisanih informatičko-komunikacijskim tehnologijama. S jedne strane, Srbija poseduje izuzetan ljudski potencijal koji se iskazuje brojem od 13000 diplomaca svake godine, ili kroz procenat od 42% stanovništva koje govori engleski i koji je najveći među zemljama istočne i centralne Evrope. Time se ostvaruju osnovni preduslovi za formiranje strategija razvoja informatičkog društva u Srbiji, za prilagođavanje zahtevima ekonomije zasnovane na znanju, kao i za trasiranje puta ka budućem društvu znanja odnosno e-Evropi 2020. S druge strane, svedoci smo intenzivne izgradnje velikih kompleksa mega i hiper-marketa kao dominantnog vida aktuelne regeneracije naših gradskih prostora. Istovremeno, iskustva iz drugih sredina ukazuju na urušavanje urbanog identiteta gradova kao posledicu prodora globalnog kapitala i izgradnje velikih kompleksa multi-nacionalnih kompanija u gradskom tkivu. U cilju prevazilaženja grešaka o kojima govori inostrano iskustvo, kao i mogućih propusta koji nastaju kao posledice rutine i neusaglašenosti pojedinih faza procesa održivog razvoja, u radu je potenciran značaj integralnog sagledavanja trendova razvoja informatičkog društva i prostornog aspekta urbane regeneracije. Neophodno je devastirane gradske prostore nastale u jednom tehnološkom dobu prilagoditi aktuelnoj informatičkoj eri s naznakama budućeg digitalnog doba znanja, odnosno planirati, projektovati i graditi po principima održivosti, u skladu sa novim tehnološkim zahtevima i mogućnostima, za nova radna mesta i za novi kvalitet življenja.


Database :
Journal :
Arhitektura i urbanizam
Notes :
Arhitektura i urbanizam
Publication Type :
Electronic Resource
Accession number :
Document Type :
Electronic Resource