Assessment of the genetic and clinical determinants of fracture risk: Genome wide association and mendelian randomisation study
Trajanoska, K.(Katerina), et al. Assessment of the Genetic and Clinical Determinants of Fracture Risk: Genome Wide Association and Mendelian Randomisation Study. 2018. EBSCOhost,
Trajanoska, K. (Katerina), Morris, J. A. (John A. ., Oei, L. (Ling), Zheng, H.-F. (Hou-F., Evans, D. M. (David M. ., Kiel, D. P. (Douglas P. ., Ohlsson, C. (Claes), Richards, J. B. (Brent), & Rivadeneira Ramirez, F. (Fernando). (2018). Assessment of the genetic and clinical determinants of fracture risk: Genome wide association and mendelian randomisation study.
Trajanoska, K. (Katerina), J.A. (John A.) Morris, L. (Ling) Oei, H.-F. (Hou-Feng) Zheng, D.M. (David M.) Evans, D.P. (Douglas P.) Kiel, C. (Claes) Ohlsson, J.B. (Brent) Richards, and F. (Fernando) Rivadeneira Ramirez. 2018. “Assessment of the Genetic and Clinical Determinants of Fracture Risk: Genome Wide Association and Mendelian Randomisation Study.”