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Oxidative stress, cholinesterase activity, and DNA damage in the liver, whole blood, and plasma of Wistar rats following a 28-day exposure to glyphosate
- Source :
- Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju; ISSN 0004-1254 (Print); ISSN 1848-6312 (Online); Volume 69; Issue 2
- Publication Year :
- 2018
- In this 28 day-study, we evaluated the effects of herbicide glyphosate administered by gavage to Wistar rats at daily doses equivalent to 0.1 of the acceptable operator exposure level (AOEL), 0.5 of the consumer acceptable daily intake (ADI), 1.75 (corresponding to the chronic population-adjusted dose, cPAD), and 10 mg kg-1 body weight (bw) (corresponding to 100 times the AOEL). At the end of each treatment, the body and liver weights were measured and compared with their baseline values. DNA damage in leukocytes and liver tissue was estimated with the alkaline comet assay. Oxidative stress was evaluated using a battery of endpoints to establish lipid peroxidation via thiobarbituric reactive substances (TBARS) level, level of reactive oxygen species (ROS), glutathione (GSH) level, and the activity of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px). Total cholinesterase activity and the activities of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) were also measured. The exposed animals gained less weight than control. Treatment resulted in significantly higher primary DNA damage in the liver cells and leukocytes. Glyphosate exposure significantly lowered TBARS in the liver of the AOEL, ADI, and cPAD groups, and in plasma in the AOEL and cPAD group. AChE was inhibited with all treatments, but the AOEL and ADI groups significantly differed from control. Total ChE and plasma/liver ROS/GSH levels did not significantly differ from control, except for the 35 % decrease in ChE in the AOEL and ADI groups and a significant drop in liver GSH in the cPAD and 100xAOEL groups. AOEL and ADI blood GSH-Px activity dropped significantly, but in the liver it significantly increased in the ADI, cPAD, and 100xAOEL groups vs. control. All these findings show that even exposure to low glyphosate levels can have serious adverse effects and points to a need to change the approach to risk assessment of low-level chronic/sub-chronic glyphosate exposure, where oxidative stress is not necessarily<br />U okviru 28-dnevnog pokusa istražili smo učinke herbicida glifosata na modelu odraslih mužjaka Wistar štakora koji su oralno dobivali testirani spoj u subletalnim dnevnim dozama: 0,1 od prihvatljive razine izloženosti operatera (0,1xAOEL), 0,5 od prihvatljivog dnevnog unosa za potrošače (0,5xADI), 1,75 (odgovara kroničnoj populacijskoj prilagođenoj dozi, cPAD) i 10 mg kg-1 tjelesne težine na dan (odgovara 100xAOEL). Tijekom pokusa praćeni su sistemski toksični učinci. Nakon završetka svih tretmana svakoj je pokusnoj životinji izmjerena tjelesna težina i težina jetre te su uspoređene s polazišnim vrijednostima. Alkalnim komet-testom izmjerena je razina primarnih oštećenja DNA u leukocitima i jetrenim stanicama. Primjenom metoda za procjenu oksidacijskog stresa izmjerene su razine lipidne peroksidacije (TBARs), reaktivnih kisikovih vrsta (ROS) i glutationa (GSH) te aktivnost enzima glutation peroksidaze (GSH-Px). Izmjerene su i aktivnosti ukupnih kolinesteraza (ChE), acetilkolinesteraze (AChE) i butirilkolinesteraze (BChE). Izloženi štakori imali su manje priraste težine od kontrolnih. Izloženost glifosatu uzrokovala je značajne poraste razine primarnih oštećenja DNA u jetrenim stanicama te malo manje u leukocitima. U svim izloženim skupinama izmjerene su niže vrijednosti TBARs u odnosu na kontrolu, sa značajno nižim vrijednostima u AOEL, ADI i cPAD skupinama u uzorcima jetre te u AOEL i cPAD skupinama u uzorcima plazme. Aktivnost AChE bila je smanjena u svim tretmanima, s najnižom stopom nakon izlaganja dozi ADI. Aktivnost BChE blago je smanjena nakon izlaganja ADI, a povećana nakon izlaganja dozama cPAD i 100xAOEL. Ukupna aktivnost ChE te razine ROS/GSH u plazmi / jetri nisu se značajno razlikovale od kontrole, osim značajnog smanjenja jetrenog GSH nakon izlaganja dozama cPAD i 100xAOEL te 35-postotnog smanjenja aktivnosti ChE nakon izlaganja dozama AOEL i ADI. Aktivnost GSH-Px u krvi značajno je smanjena u AOEL i ADI tretmanu, a aktivnost GSH-Px u uzorcima jetre zn
- Database :
- OAIster
- Journal :
- Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju; ISSN 0004-1254 (Print); ISSN 1848-6312 (Online); Volume 69; Issue 2
- Notes :
- application/pdf, English
- Publication Type :
- Electronic Resource
- Accession number :
- edsoai.on1046085815
- Document Type :
- Electronic Resource