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The Log Vol. 23 No. 02

Authors :
Champion Paper and Fibre Company
Champion Paper and Fibre Company
Source :
Digital Collection: Canton Champion Fibre Company


Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Paper and Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue.<br />• - OF • 1941 • • CONTENTS Paq'E:I Tn~P. Grow!h of Our Countty 2 The Mar-ch of CivHi~ation . 6 'EDITORIALS 1s Public Opinion ChanqinCJ? 8 Hate _ ·--- --- -~-----· 9 CH J\MPION F .zu.m Y NEW'S Hamilton Di ~t·;sion _ . _ . _ . . 1 0 on o·n ·1·S 10n _.. _ _ _• . . 2:4 Hol.Uoton Di'V!Siob • _ _. • • • 3~ Sandersville Division _____ . . 40 lhqh:: Jl ,·iew of No. 6 paper ma­::: hinc ~ th~ Canton Division as . is now with the 23 new driers added. making a total of 68 driers on this machine M RCH 1941 VOL XXIU NUMBER 2 PUBI:.ISHED HAMILTON, OHIO f:stifbJiBIJed 1914 - •• BY ''THE HOUSTON.# TEXAS • # - . • • •• CHAMPION FAMILY'' CANTON, N. C. •• SANDERSVILLE., GA. • Twenty-Seventh Yeu oi Publication The pAper tor the c:over of thll Q18CJa-.ine II Ctuunpicm t':ordwatn. and l8 made in our Canton Dl9lslon plaat out of wood &mn the fo~ta ot the Mutheru states. the paper for the bulicle paCJe• ia Champfon White H\JW~efold Efta.mel m.acle iD ou HamUtoo planr. We m(ljlufactw• many qr~de~ of bleached papeJ'8. M,ehllle Flmahecl, Snper Caleuclered. and C9ated. The Formation and Derivation of The States of Continental United States and Its Contiguous Territory Author's Note In i.!lc Aj'ril. 1 9.~8 . issue of Tur: Loc OF Ctt J\M PCO~ ACT1Vl­Tt£ g "·e began a series oi articles on the United States and its Conti.:-uous Territory. ln this and future issues we shall give ~ ~).ort historr of each state. This wiil require a great deal of r-e<car-ch work. Tlowc,·cr. we hope that these a rtides will be hc;pfui to some rc.:.~ders of this magazine. (PART 30)- IOW A I 0\Y. \ is une of the ~orthwc :ncrn state~ . I ts eastern buu a-jar) is uayerscd b~ the ~Ii ::. is ippi Ri,·cr, and sepa rated .ircn1 .\:ebra-ka and . .'outh Dakota on the west by the ~ f i s­~ c)uri anJ Bi~ 'ioux Ri,·er~. It is bound on the north ~y .\iinnc~ota, the south by :\Iissouri . and the Des ~tfoines l~i vc r di ... -ide:: the sratc practicallr in half. The • taLe is entire!}~ ,,-ithin the prairie rcgjon o f Lhe ~Ii


Database :
Journal :
Digital Collection: Canton Champion Fibre Company
Notes :
Location: Haywood County (N.C.), Time Period: 1940s, Digital Collection: Canton Champion Fibre Company, eng
Publication Type :
Electronic Resource
Accession number :
Document Type :
Electronic Resource