Sport Participation in Host Countries before 89 and after the Olympic Games : Do the Games Change Something ?
Hendriks, G.(ed. .., et al. “Sport Participation in Host Countries before 89 and after the Olympic Games : Do the Games Change Something ?” Collected Insights from the Field of Sport, Volume 2 : Sustainability and Legacy, Pp. 89-108, 2015. EBSCOhost,
Hendriks, G. (ed. ., Gilbert, K. (ed. ., Stricker, C. (ed. ., Engalycheva, K., & Chappelet, J.-L. (2015). Sport Participation in Host Countries before 89 and after the Olympic Games : Do the Games Change Something ? Collected Insights from the Field of Sport, Volume 2 : Sustainability and Legacy, Pp. 89-108.
Hendriks, G. (ed.), K. (ed.) Gilbert, C. (ed.) Stricker, K. Engalycheva, and J.-L. Chappelet. 2015. “Sport Participation in Host Countries before 89 and after the Olympic Games : Do the Games Change Something ?” Collected Insights from the Field of Sport, Volume 2 : Sustainability and Legacy, Pp. 89-108.