Development of microfluidic applications to study the role of kainate receptors in synaptogenesis
Helsingin yliopisto, bio-ja ympäristötieteellinen tiedekunta, biotieteiden laitos, et al. Development of Microfluidic Applications to Study the Role of Kainate Receptors in Synaptogenesis. 2016. EBSCOhost,
Helsingin yliopisto, bio-ja ympäristötieteellinen tiedekunta, biotieteiden laitos, Helsingfors universitet, bio-och miljövetenskapliga fakulteten, biovetenskapliga institutionen, University of Helsinki, F. of B. and E. S. D. of B. D. of neuroscience and physiology, Neuroscience Center, U. of H., & Sakha, P. (2016). Development of microfluidic applications to study the role of kainate receptors in synaptogenesis.
Helsingin yliopisto, bio- ja ympäristötieteellinen tiedekunta, biotieteiden laitos, bio- och miljövetenskapliga fakulteten, biovetenskapliga institutionen Helsingfors universitet, Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Department of Biosciences, Division of neuroscience and physiology University of Helsinki, University of Helsinki Neuroscience Center, and Prasanna Sakha. 2016. “Development of Microfluidic Applications to Study the Role of Kainate Receptors in Synaptogenesis.”