Increased incidence of cytogenetic abnormalities in chorionic villus samples from pregnancies established by in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET)
Veld, P. A.(Peter) in’t, et al. Increased Incidence of Cytogenetic Abnormalities in Chorionic Villus Samples from Pregnancies Established by in Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer (IVF-ET). 1995. EBSCOhost,
Veld, P. A. (Peter) in’t, Van Opstal, A. R. M. (Diane), Berg, C. D. F. (Cardi) van den, Ooijen, M. (M. . van, Brandenburg, H. (Helen), Pijpers, L. (Leendert), Jahoda, M. G. (M. ., Stijnen, T. (Theo), & Los, F. J. (1995). Increased incidence of cytogenetic abnormalities in chorionic villus samples from pregnancies established by in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET).
Veld, P.A. (Peter) in’t, A.R.M. (Diane) Van Opstal, C.D.F. (Cardi) van den Berg, M. (M.) van Ooijen, H. (Helen) Brandenburg, L. (Leendert) Pijpers, M.G. (M.) Jahoda, Th. (Theo) Stijnen, and F.J. Los. 1995. “Increased Incidence of Cytogenetic Abnormalities in Chorionic Villus Samples from Pregnancies Established by in Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer (IVF-ET).”