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Authors :
今村, 俊介
此上, 一也
川崎, 春夫
山川, 史郎
高畑, 博樹
境澤, 大亮
久保田, 拓志
沖, 理子
石井, 昌憲
Baron, Philippe
水谷, 耕平
安井, 元昭
落合, 啓
岡本, 幸三
青梨, 和正
石橋, 俊之
Satoh, Yohei
Imamura, Shunsuke
Konoue, Kazuya
Kawasaki, Haruo
Ymakawa, Shiro
Kohata, Hiroki
Sakaizawa, Daisuke
Kubota, Takuji
Oki, Riko
Ishii, Shoken
Mizutani, Kohei
Yasui, Motoaki
Ochiai, Satoshi
Okamoto, Kozo
Aonashi, Kazumasa
Ishibashi, Toshiyuki
今村, 俊介
此上, 一也
川崎, 春夫
山川, 史郎
高畑, 博樹
境澤, 大亮
久保田, 拓志
沖, 理子
石井, 昌憲
Baron, Philippe
水谷, 耕平
安井, 元昭
落合, 啓
岡本, 幸三
青梨, 和正
石橋, 俊之
Satoh, Yohei
Imamura, Shunsuke
Konoue, Kazuya
Kawasaki, Haruo
Ymakawa, Shiro
Kohata, Hiroki
Sakaizawa, Daisuke
Kubota, Takuji
Oki, Riko
Ishii, Shoken
Mizutani, Kohei
Yasui, Motoaki
Ochiai, Satoshi
Okamoto, Kozo
Aonashi, Kazumasa
Ishibashi, Toshiyuki
Publication Year :


Super low altitude satellites are satellites orbiting at an altitude less than 250km. They are using ion engines to compensate aerodynamic drag at the altitude. To demonstrate the feasibility and the system concept, Super-Low-Altitude-Test-Satellite named as SLATS has been developed by JAXA. In adition, JAXA has been studying a wind observation mission for future acturel uses of the orbit with Meteorological Research Institute(MRI) and National Institute of Information and Communications Technology(NICT). It has been elcidated that the orbit of the super low altitude is suitable for LIDAR(Light direction and ranging) using missioins. This paper shows the results of study for the Doppler LIDAR using mission at the super low altitude.<br />会議情報: 第57回宇宙科学技術連合講演会(2013年10月9日-11日. 米子コンベンションセンター(BiG SHiP)), 米子市, 鳥取県


Database :
Notes :
Japanese, English
Publication Type :
Electronic Resource
Accession number :
Document Type :
Electronic Resource